Weekly Reder, October 28, 2024

Started by Perry, Oct 28, 2024, 12:24 PM

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Marvel Unlimited
Ultimate Black Panther 6
Mystic 10
Mystic 11
Mystic 12

DC Universe Ultra
Batman 153
DC All In Special 1
Justice Society of America 12
Plastic Man No More! 2
The Nice House by the Sea 3
The Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) 270

Brave & the Bold Vol 1: Lords of Luck

W0Rldtr33 Vol. 2 - (Collects issues 6-11)

BRZRKR vol 1 (Collects issues #1-4)
BRZRKR vol 2 (Collects issues #5-8)


Justice Society of America 12 - oh ok. A celebration of Stargirls 25th year as a character.  Nice but could have been its own one shot instead of as the last JSA book.

Plastic Man No More! 2 - ouch! This story is rough for our protagonist. I'm enjoying it though. I'm feeling bad for poor Eel.

The Nice House by the Sea 3 - thank goodness each issue has a cast of characters list at the end.  It is hard to remember who everyone is.  I can understand why Perry is switching to reading this collected.  Still, I like the mystery and the introduction of a new possible antagonist is interesting.


Quote from: Jeff on Nov 01, 2024, 01:52 PMThe Nice House by the Sea 3... I can understand why Perry is switching to reading this collected.  Still, I like the mystery and the introduction of a new possible antagonist is interesting.

Indeed. I just wish my brain would cooperate  ;D and allow me to read it monthly  :'(

And looks like all the things I wanted from Hoopla aren't making it to the reading list this week. I only had two more borrows left (with the main Library) so went ahead and got a couple small trades that I have been interested in reading, but they are books that, if I don't get to them in time, I won't be too upset when they get pulled from my list.

Marvel Unlimited
Ultimate Black Panther #6
Doctor Strange #11 (1974)
Mystic #5

DC Universe Ultra
Batman #153
DC All In Special #1
JSA #12

Plastic Man #2
Nice House by the Sea #2
Nice House by the Sea #3

Batman Long Halloween: Last Halloween #0
Batman Long Halloween: Last Halloween #1
Legion of Super-Heroes #270
Legion of Super-Heroes #271

Savage Sword of Conan #5
It Happened On Hyde Street: Devour #1
Redcoat #7
Lady Bird v1 (Collects issues 1-5) <- Added
Cobra Commander v1 (collects issues 1-5) <- Added
Where Monsters Lie v1 (Collects issues 1-4)
Killadelphia v1 (collects issues 1-6)


Legion - And I'm sorry, Jeff. I didn't mean to. I didn't try to. But when Jimmy finished off the three issue run, I just had to jump in and do the same. I will try to not let it happen again. But then again, you actually started reading it before both of us, yeah?  ;)  ;D 
An actual decent end to the story, although it is still crazy ludicrous, that Tharok origin  ;D I mean, what happened again? Haha, oohhh, okay. Gotta love that idea. Yeah, I will say this ended a decent over-all story and had a satisfactory ending. Which with THIS writer (and current artist), that is a bonus!


Oh no worries. If I get done, and it's looking like I will pretty soon, I'll go ahead and read it.  Otherwise it'll be first on my list for next week.


Marvel Unlimited
Ultimate Black Panther 6
Mystic 10
Mystic 11
Mystic 12

DC Universe Ultra
Batman 153
DC All In Special 1
Justice Society of America 12
Plastic Man No More! 2
The Nice House by the Sea 3
The Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) 270

Brave & the Bold Vol 1: Lords of Luck

W0Rldtr33 Vol. 2 - (Collects issues 6-11)

BRZRKR vol 1 (Collects issues #1-4)
BRZRKR vol 2 (Collects issues #5-8)


W0Rldtr33 Vol. 2 - Good second arc with an interesting twist at the end.  We learn a little more and meet new characters but of course, it only generates more questions. But what a fun ride.


I had honestly forgot that I told Jeff I would try and read the Brave and the Bold trade this week, so I corrected that disservice and added it to my list. Also, was up so early this morning that I went ahead and read it as well.

Marvel Unlimited
Ultimate Black Panther #6
Doctor Strange #11 (1974)
Mystic #5

DC Universe Ultra
Batman #153
DC All In Special #1
JSA #12

Plastic Man #2
Nice House by the Sea #2
Nice House by the Sea #3

Batman Long Halloween: Last Halloween #0
Batman Long Halloween: Last Halloween #1
Legion of Super-Heroes #270
Legion of Super-Heroes #271
Brave and the Bold v1 <- Added

Savage Sword of Conan #5
It Happened On Hyde Street: Devour #1
Redcoat #7
Lady Bird v1 (Collects issues 1-5)
Cobra Commander v1 (collects issues 1-5)
Where Monsters Lie v1 (Collects issues 1-4)
Killadelphia v1 (collects issues 1-6)


B+B -
A fun little time travel, word-hopping story with a kaleidoscope of characters. Some pretty cool stuff here from the initial mystery of the multiple copies of the same body, to the space hoping, to Rann/Thanagar, to the Legion showing up to... just a lot here. I will say that yes, it was really nice, as an art fan  ;) to see Perez's Supergirl bouncing around in her mini-skirt  ;) , but seeing Hal have the same general idea was somewhat creepy. ;D  Only in the way he kept repeating her age and telling himself not to have bad thoughts. Then Lobo... I mean, okay, bottom line it seems like writer Mark Waid has the same appreciation to the character as I do. ;D  "The "S" you jerk"  ;D ;D ;D
I am left puzzled by the Dream Girl stuff though, I assume she is dead or missing in the Legion title at this time? Or maybe I just misread that? Not sure, but if it is the former, I will see it soon enough, as we get closer and closer in our Legion readthrough!!  8)
I will also say that while the art is still top notch, with background and detail work that is absolutely incredible, you can start to see the decline of Perez's art here in 2007. Again, still amazing, but yes, the line work is starting to get a little bit heavier here, not as thin, and sad to think that in a few more years Perez's eyes will finally be a real hinderance to him.
Miss ya, George!

Cobra Commander - I can appreciate what Kirkman and the gang are trying to do, incorporate The G.I. Joe and the Transformer universes into his Void Rival stuff (well, actually the opposite of that, incorporating his Void Rivals into the Joe/Transformer stuff) and I also really appreciate the vastly different take on this Cobra Commander character, but... I just don't seem to care about it.  :'( I want to like it, I do, but it just leaves me flat as hell. I also worry, after reading more and more, that maybe Joshua Williamson isn't a writer from which I need to read everything. His style is okay, but there are also lots of little things that bug me. Just a personal style, nothing bad, just things I notice that bug me. Now I do think that the subject matter, and me not caring about it, hinders my overall enjoyment of his writing here, so there is that to consider as well. Nothing bad here, hell, there is a lot that is mostly very interesting, especially in its changes, but it is hard to overcome apathy, and that is all I really have for this. If I were reading (or trying to read) fewer titles, I would spend more time trying to get into this new world (and I am still going to try the new G.I. Joe title when it hits), but all the other stuff... just not my sandbox


Wow, no idea how I did it, but I made it through another massive comic reading list. Although I didn't finish Killadelphia, for the second time, so maybe I shouldn't say I completed the week?

Marvel Unlimited
Ultimate Black Panther #6
Doctor Strange #11 (1974)
Mystic #5

DC Universe Ultra
Batman #153
DC All In Special #1
JSA #12

Plastic Man #2
Nice House by the Sea #2
Nice House by the Sea #3

Batman Long Halloween: Last Halloween #0
Batman Long Halloween: Last Halloween #1
Legion of Super-Heroes #270
Legion of Super-Heroes #271
Brave and the Bold v1 <- Added

Lady Bird v1 (Collects issues 1-5)
Cobra Commander v1 (collects issues 1-5)
Where Monsters Lie v1 (Collects issues 1-4)
Killadelphia v1 (collects issues 1-6)


Lady Bird - This impressed me a lot. I think mainly because I wasn't expecting it. Very cool story and exciting art made this a surprise hit for me. Looking forward to this teams next story, already in progress.  ;D

Mystic - This issue we get the battle of the sisters... kinda  ;) This series is okay, but really wishing the other CG titles would drop as I think I am going to get pretty bored with just reading this title. I honestly don't remember reading this to completion the first time around, so I am sure the same thing happened when it was being published. Maybe I can push through a little longer this go-around however, but I need/want to read more of the bigger universe. I know this company doesn't get the time to 100% wrap up it's universe (thanks to over expanding far too quickly), but it was nice moving back and forth, title to title, back in the day, not just concentrating on one small aspect. I miss Crux, I miss Negation, heck, I even miss the god awful, over-muscular drawings of Bart Sears on The First... give me more titles please!

Dr. Strange - A very cool way to "battle ones demons" :)  as in this issue Eternity has Strange facing off against aspects of the good doctor's own self. His doctor self, his drunkard self... hell even his... ummm... Nixon self (it worked, honestly). Looking forward to the wrap up of this small, but very grand, story arc.