Weekly Reader, December 16, 2024

Started by Jeff, Dec 16, 2024, 05:00 AM

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Marvel Unlimited
Phoenix 3
Ultimate Black Panther 8
Uncanny X-Men 3

DC Universe Ultra
Legion of Super-Heroes 277
Legion of Super-Heroes 278

The History of Science Fiction: A Graphic Novel - Started
John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 Original Sins (Collects issues 1-9) - Started

BRZRKR: Bloodlines Vol 1



Marvel Unlimited
Fantastic Four #25
Phoenix #3
Ultimate Black Panther #8
Uncanny X-Men #3
Fantastic Four (1976) #176
Fantastic Four (1976) #177

DC Universe Ultra
Action Comics #276
Batman and Robin: Year One #2
Worlds Finest #33
Allwinter #5
The Question: Watchtower #1
Batman: Full Moon #2
Jenny Sparks #4
Hellblazer v1
Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #279

The One Hand/Six Fingers v1 (issues 1-5 and issues 1-5)
Public Domain v1 (issues 1-5)


Jimmy T

I read...

Amazing Spider-Man 55 - I've always loved Tombstone stories. Well written here, too bad Romita is on art.
Uncanny X-men 3 - I'm so interested in what is going on, actually! A little mystery that I want to see answered! So, I'm keeping up

TMNT 4 (Aaron) = I find myself just wanting to read Ninja Turtles, and why not? They've stayed the path stayed around, and stayed interesting.
Hornsby & Halo 1 - a little more from Ghost Machine universe, but not the Unnamed War. I'm curious, I'll read!
Hyde Street 2 - I'm starting to fall into this title just a wee bit.
Time before time vol 1 ; a free read, Jeff loved the run, so I said yeah! And I'm curious to the story. So, I'll read some more! It's certainly not about the art lol

Gay Titan

Hey, Perry! Let me know your thoughts on the Question: Watchtower #1. I flipped through it at the LCS but didn't pick it up.


Quote from: Gay Titan on Dec 17, 2024, 01:45 PMHey, Perry! Let me know your thoughts on the Question: Watchtower #1. I flipped through it at the LCS but didn't pick it up.

Will do, my man. Looking forward to the issue, hope its good

Marvel Unlimited
Fantastic Four #25
Phoenix #3
Ultimate Black Panther #8
Uncanny X-Men #3

Fantastic Four (1976) #176
Fantastic Four (1976) #177

DC Universe Ultra
Action Comics #276
Batman and Robin: Year One #2
Worlds Finest #33
Allwinter #5
The Question: Watchtower #1
Batman: Full Moon #2
Jenny Sparks #4
Hellblazer v1
Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #279

The One Hand/Six Fingers v1 (issues 1-5 and issues 1-5)
Public Domain v1 (issues 1-5)


Uncanny - I'm sure I am alone here, but this is already boring me. There is nothing here that I find interesting that I haven't seen, in some shape, seemingly 1,000 times before. I understand that is the main problem with reading books from the big two (no true danger, sense of repetitiveness) and hey, I may have been in "a mood" when I read this that may have hindered my enjoyment level, but I think the main reason for my... apathy... is I am just not a fan of most of the cast of this team. Gambit, Rogue and Jubilee are NOT characters I, personally, want to read about. There is NOTHING bad here, not really, and I did enjoy the first issue, but with each subsequent issue I find I am losing more and more interest because I just don't care about 60% of this team
(75% now that Logan has seemingly walked)
. I'm not off yet, but...

Phoenix - Okay, not trying to slam the X-books here, but here we go again  ;D My only complaint about this book, and again, this also could've been my mood at the time I read this ;), but its the same reason I was worried about the book to begin with... a book featuring an over-powered hero. I am not a fan of heroes that have no true threat (its why Superman was never a draw for me when I was younger), I find it boring, there is no fear of loss, no threat that an overpowered character can't handle. Again, that is the big two in a nutshell anyway, of course they aren't gonna kill the cash cow, so there is no true threat to ANY hero from the Big Two, but while having a hero or character that can handle anything is certainly fine, having a solo book spotlighting their omnipotence is always going to be a tough sell for me. There is a reason Franklin Richards doesn't have his own book  ;) I'm still here, but primarily because I want to see some more Marvel cosmic characters show-up in this book, more than what Jean is doing.

Ult Black Panther - I still don't understand how Ra is part of "Moon Knight", hahaha, and I still hate the Panther mask, but I am still curious about this new... meteorite...? Of course I am also a whore for different takes on characters, so I am still here for this book.

Fantastic Four - Ugh. Absolutely the most dumb ass thing I have read in a long time. Johnny falls in love with an alien, which, lets me honest, happens at least 3 times a year for him it seems, but this time... falling in love with a 5 foot tall centipede looking thing? GTFOH!!!!!!!
>:( >:( >:( >:(


Up at 1:50 in the AM, so thought I would read a couple new issues. But wanted to pick ones where I don't have to do too much a'thinkin or a'memberin as I may not recall much about what I just read  ;D or hell, I may struggle to remember typing this

Marvel Unlimited
Fantastic Four #25
Phoenix #3
Ultimate Black Panther #8
Uncanny X-Men #3

Fantastic Four (1976) #176
Fantastic Four (1976) #177

DC Universe Ultra
Action Comics #276
Batman and Robin: Year One #2
Worlds Finest #33
Allwinter #5
The Question: Watchtower #1
Batman: Full Moon #2
Jenny Sparks #4
Hellblazer v1
Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #279

The One Hand/Six Fingers v1 (issues 1-5 and issues 1-5)
Public Domain v1 (issues 1-5)


Worlds Finest - I am just not a fan of Eclipso, I mean, I like the idea more than I like the character...? I guess? Also getting used to the new "No Mora" look is getting a little easier, but damn, I still miss him on this book. All that in mind, this was a better issue for me than the last two, so I guess that is a win

Action - Damn it! The cover LIED. Unless I totally missed it, and that is a possibility, it is about two in the morning now, ;D ;D but yeah, I was disappointed. I won't say about what, but... well... here...
"The Secret Origin of the Phantom Zone" was not in this issue. Now I understand how they could say that comment was a story banner encapsulating the arc as a whole, that this issue is a continuation of the secret, not a declaration of conclusion or revelation of said secret, but come on, DC. Again, unless I missed it... ;D I know it isn't unusual for the bait and switch cover blurb to happen in comics, but I was really wanting this one.  ;D
Still, and not trying to counter Jimmy whom I know is loving this story, but this is not doing it for me. Even the Supergirl back-up, which I have been enjoying, felt a little off this time around. Although I do acknowledge it is late (early) and that may have affected me more than I realize. Although...

Jimmy T

Nope, Perry, we were LIED to!!!


Marvel Unlimited
Fantastic Four #25
Phoenix #3
Ultimate Black Panther #8
Uncanny X-Men #3

Fantastic Four (1976) #176
Fantastic Four (1976) #177

DC Universe Ultra
Action Comics #276
Batman and Robin: Year One #2
Worlds Finest #33
Allwinter #5
The Question: Watchtower #1
Batman: Full Moon #2
Jenny Sparks #4

Hellblazer v1
Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #279
Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #280

The One Hand/Six Fingers v1 (issues 1-5 and issues 1-5)
Public Domain v1 (issues 1-5)
Savage Sword #6 <- ADDED
G.I. Joe (2024) #1 <- ADDED


Batman and Robin - A great issue. And I mean great. Would have won issue of the week if it were not for my Full Moon love.
Love the idea of the Batcave being so huge and how it allows him to pop up in various points in Gotham. Also found that I was excited about the villain reveal, or somewhat of a reveal ;), at the end of the issue
I rate this 9 out of 10 Parental moments

Question - I liked this. The art by Cian Tormey works well here and is very reminiscent, especially in some panels, of Phil Hester's work on Green Arrow. Aside from one or two shading problems, I think he did a bang up job.
Although, as another thing that caught my eye... did they age up Jamie Reyes? He looks a lot older here. Not sure that is on purpose, just me or just an artist rendering thing. Another point, and this seems like a slam but is not meant to be, but it does seem weird to need a police officer for the Watchtower, when said tower is filled with heroes, but they justify the reasoning well enough, at least for this comic fan. COMICS!! Also, they seem to be setting up Batwoman as the person in... question  ;) or at least a person of interest as it appears to be her boots in that panel, but that could be a red herring (of course it is)
EDIT - Oh and I forgot, I guess this takes place after Waid's run on Action? They mention using the Phantom Zone being used so I am thinking Waid set something up in Action with the new version and we just haven't seen it yet? Or not. Haha
I give this a very solid 8 out of 10 windows with a view

Jenny Sparks - Loved this issue as well. Art was straight banging and while not a lot happened, what did happen was tense... and I loved every panel of it.
Loved the power-play, pissing contest between Jenny and Nathan and literally felt the tension in the room. Plus, I am now almost convinced that we are right about the hostages being the Authority when Jenny asks for "the doctor" to be the one released. Also, I am very, very, curious about the smoke that is in a few of the panels. It looks like Jenny notices it as well (on page 15 I think) after Nathan puts her in the new red top. Hmmmm??
This ranks an easy 9 out of 10 plumes of smoke

Full Moon - I know I am alone here, and that is fine, it is, I just love F'n werewolves.
Also love seeing Batman as one ripping through the freaking Batmobile!! Yeah, I am alone, but I still loved this damn issue!!
I give this another 9 out of 10 calls to Maaco
And if you youngin's don't know what that is, hit the Google :)

Gay Titan

Ran to my LCS between hospital visits. Decent haul.

Absolute Batman #3
Batman & Robin: Year One #3
Batman/Superman: World's Finest #34
Black Lightning #2
New Gods #1
Nightwing #121
Titans #18


Quote from: Gay Titan on Dec 18, 2024, 07:10 PMRan to my LCS between hospital visits.

Hope everything is okay.

Marvel Unlimited
Fantastic Four #25
Phoenix #3
Ultimate Black Panther #8
Uncanny X-Men #3

Fantastic Four (1976) #176
Fantastic Four (1976) #177

DC Universe Ultra
Action Comics #276
Batman and Robin: Year One #2
Worlds Finest #33
Allwinter #5
The Question: Watchtower #1
Batman: Full Moon #2
Jenny Sparks #4

Hellblazer v1
Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #279
Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #280

The One Hand/Six Fingers v1 (issues 1-5 and issues 1-5)
Public Domain v1 (issues 1-5)
Savage Sword #6

Conan #17 <- Added
The Witcher v1 (Issues 1-5) <- Added
Scarlett v1 (Issues 1-5) <- Added
G.I. Joe (2024) #1


Savage Sword - Jason Aaron's second issue wraps up his "witch" story and I think it was pretty good. I do find, and maybe it is only because the artist and how he lays out his stuff, that I prefer to read this title in full page format. I am usually (99.9% of the time) a panel-to-panel guy, but here I go full page. Perhaps it is the black and white format? I don't know.

Turtles - Another Aaron issue and this one, compared to the first four issues of this series was, well, a little less enjoyable than those first four, but it brings in an important character into this run. Robinson's art was fine, pretty good at first, but I think I grew tired of it the further I went into the issue. I think I remember that happening to me a lot with Robinson... no idea why. It was still good, just... yeah. Anyway I do see that this series will now have a regular artist starting on issue #6, and having seen the previews of that artists work, I am excited to see where this goes.

Public Domain - This was a very good story. Not a Jack Kirby bio, but it is certainly based around what happened to the man, the king. I do suggest this one for any and all comic fans. 

Allwinter - Not quite as fun as the first four (seems to be a trend for me this week, hahaha) but I am still enjoying this and it was cool to see a certain character's appearance.



I got nothing read this week.  Gonna have a huge list the week of Christmas!

Gay Titan

Thank you, Perry. My husband had open heart surgery on the 12th. He is recovering and having a second surgery on the 30th.


Quote from: Gay Titan on Dec 23, 2024, 05:03 PMThank you, Perry. My husband had open heart surgery on the 12th. He is recovering and having a second surgery on the 30th.

I'm sorry to hear that Rodney.  I had by pass surgery myself several years ago and know how scary that can be.  Fortunately modern medicine is amazing and I'm confident y'all can get through it ok!

Gay Titan

You're right about modern medicine. We've definitely made advances sinces my dad's heart attack a decade ago. I have faith that Shawn will recover and we'll resume our boring existence of bourbon, comics, and cooking shows.


Well, best wishes to you and Shawn for a speedy recovery and return to the boredom!!!  :)