Weekly Reader, July 15, 2024

Started by Perry, Jul 15, 2024, 12:52 AM

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I decided I'm going to wait on Gotham by Gaslight: Kryptonian Age until the mini us finished. I read the first couple pages and the art is very well done, but yeah, just so much going on right now I decided to wait. It does look very good though, and I am looking forward to diving in. Just not right now

Marvel Unlimited

Fantastic Four #19
Ultimate Spider-Man #3
Avengers (1975) #147

DC Universe Ultra
Action Comics #1066
Batman #149
Worlds Finest #28
G.L. War Journal #10
Hellblazer: Dead in America #6
Batman: Dark Age #3

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight- Kryptonian Age #1
Green Lantern #12
Action Comics #661 (Triangle #3)
Adventures of Superman #474 (Triangle Era #2)
Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #245

Geiger #4
Redcoat #4

Savage Sword of Conan #3


Dark Age - I am really enjoying this mixture of early Batman, The League and Crisis. Allred does, as always, draw stiff at times, but the layouts are always on-point. Especially liked the splash on page 5 with Bats on the Wayne logo, swirling the Bat-Line over his head. Simple, but so cool looking.

Hellblazer - Wow!! I'm gonna need some help on this one  ;D I got the gist, but this story, featuring the Metamancer, was so "meta" I got lost. Loved the use of characters going back through past panels to grab stuff, and I am aware of the "writers" jab (and losing pieces of himself), plus the ending was very cool, but yeah... I was left scratching my head with a lot of this. Luckily, other than the end and a couple things with a certain grain of sand, I don't think this issue mattered too terribly. Whew. This was a deeeeep one.

Warjournal - Hmmm, this title started much stronger than the Gl proper for me, but has since, especially over the last couple issues, has fallen off. It is "fine", nothing truly "wrong", but I don't seem to care any longer. I do like the art, the darkness of it, the almost Authority: Revolution look to it (I believe it was THAT series), but I think I may just stick to the other, better Green Lantern for awhile. 

World's Finest - Fun, Fun, Fun. Love the art, love the humor, I love so much about this title. Not going to say anything else.


I missed finishing out my list by one title. Two if you count the Triangle Superman issue, which I am not  ;D 
Although I truly wish I could have made it through to read that Green Lantern issue. The night may have finished a little better than it did after reading Batman

Marvel Unlimited

Fantastic Four #19
Ultimate Spider-Man #3
Avengers (1975) #147

DC Universe Ultra
Action Comics #1066
Batman #149
Worlds Finest #28
G.L. War Journal #10
Hellblazer: Dead in America #6
Batman: Dark Age #3

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight- Kryptonian Age #1
Green Lantern #12
Action Comics #661 (Triangle #3)
Adventures of Superman #474 (Triangle Era #2)
Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #245

Geiger #4
Redcoat #4

Savage Sword of Conan #3


Batman - Well, okay, sure. Blah. Maybe I wasn't in the mood? This was... a comic. :(  All I can say is for the first time, in a long time, I felt nothing while I was reading this title, and sadly even after I was finished reading this title that lack of "feeling" remained. I would rather feel that I hated it, rather than feeling absolutely nothing at all. The next issue is hopefully much better, but I guess we'll see.