Weekly Reader, June 24, 2024

Started by Perry, Jun 24, 2024, 01:24 PM

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Sooo, much damn carry-over from last week. 

Plus, I've been missing my beloved F.F so I am going to check in with them, if I get time. Plus I know there will be at least one more Hoopla drop that I want to add (Redcoat or Rook most likely). Man, I hate the feeling of "having to read", instead of "wanting to" and that is what I feel when the list gets too long. It isn't quite to that overwhelming point yet, but I better read this week, damn it!

Oh well... here we go...

Marvel Unlimited
Wolverine #47
Wolverine #48
Wolverine #49
X-Men #34
Fall of House X #5

X-Men Forever #3
X-Men Forever #4
Fantastic Four #18
Immortal Thor #8
Avengers (1975) #142

DC Universe Ultra
Batman: Dark Age #3
Penguin #10
Worlds Finest #27
Green Lantern: War Journal #9
Hellblazer: Dead in America #5
Superman #14
Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #244

Miracleman Silver Age v1 (Collects issues 1-7)


Another big X-week.  I'll be on a plane this week for 9 hours so I don't mind a big list this week.  Gonna have a LOT of time to read!

Marvel Unlimited
Captain Marvel 6
Wolverine: Madripoor Knights 2
Cable 4
X-Men 34
Wolverine 49
X-Men Forever 3
X-Men Forever 4
Fall of the House of X 5

DC Universe Ultra
Batman: Dark Age #3
Green Arrow 12
Power Girl 9
The Flash 9
The Penguin 10
Superboy & the Legion of Super-Heroes 245
Superboy & the Legion of Super-Heroes 246



Got a few done (4), added more (2)

Marvel Unlimited
Wolverine #47
Wolverine #48
Wolverine #49

X-Men #34
Fall of House X #5

X-Men Forever #3
X-Men Forever #4
Fantastic Four #18
Immortal Thor #8
Avengers (1975) #142

DC Universe Ultra
Batman: Dark Age #3
Penguin #10
Worlds Finest #27
Green Lantern: War Journal #9
Hellblazer: Dead in America #5
Superman #14
Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #244

Miracleman Silver Age v1 (Collects issues 1-7)
Redcoat #3 <-- ADDED
Rook #3 <-- ADDED


Wolverine - Meh, this isn't terrible, but the shine has worn by a good bit over the last few issues

Fantastic Four - Ya know... yes, I am glad I read this. Is this a game changer? Not at all, but yeah, a cool one and done story with some not horrible art, showcasing the FF and their powers. Also started/ended with a great reminder on the situation with young Franklin Richards and his omniscient powers. Will I be reading next month? Perhaps, and that may sound like small praise, and I guess it is, but the way the FF title has gone for me over the past few years, "perhaps" is pretty darn good 


Marvel Unlimited
Wolverine #47
Wolverine #48
Wolverine #49

X-Men #34
Fall of House X #5

X-Men Forever #3
X-Men Forever #4

Fantastic Four #18
Immortal Thor #8
Avengers (1975) #142

DC Universe Ultra
Batman: Dark Age #3
Penguin #10
Worlds Finest #27
Green Lantern: War Journal #9
Hellblazer: Dead in America #5
Superman #14
Legion of Super-Heroes (1978) #244

Miracleman Silver Age v1
Redcoat #3
Rook #3


X-Men - Had actually already read this when I posted last time, I guess that sums up my feelings. Forgettable writing. Bah

X-Men Forever - We all know where this is going, but with Gillen I actually enjoy the journey.

Fall of House X - I mean, its fine, nothing bad, not really, but I find when Duggan is writing the x stuff the only thing I usually end up feeling is either anger or apathy. The latter here. Just want this to be over

Thor - This was AMAZING!!! Was it the "after Duggan effect"? Perhaps, but I really enjoyed this and it's explanation of what is going on with the elder gods. Good stuff and once again, another very cool artist on this title.

GL: War Journal - I am hoping I was just not in the mood for this story. I am kind of losing interest in this title now. Maybe it is me.

Miracleman - Loved it!! I have always wanted to read Alan Moore's take on this (totally stolen from Shazam) British property, and I think I read the first couple issues when Marvel rereleased them, but it wasn't an easy read and I think I bailed far too quickly. Well when Hoopla brought Neil Gaiman's  "Silver Age" trade of this series to borrow, I tried to find the first part of his run (The Golden Age) to no avail. No Moore's first run either (which should be read first) but I decided to dive in regardless. WOW! This is Shazam meets Nexus meets Sentry meets a little bit of the Authority. Just so damn good. And sad as now I have to wait for the final arc; The Dark Age! And that is IF Marvel still prints it. DAMN IT, I need the ending now, they better not cancel it!!

Rook - Three months, three changes to my favorite John's title. This title won the issue #3 battle between this months offerings by finally diving deeper into the mythos of the characters and their connections.Really liked this issue. I also think the Gary Frank snuck a panel or two inside here  ;)

Redcoat - I still enjoy this title, but yeah, I rank this in the last place this month, behind both Geiger (2nd) and Rook (1st). If things hold true however, issue #4 will find it back on top of the Johns'verse.