Weekly Reader, December 23, 2024

Started by Jeff, Dec 23, 2024, 05:25 AM

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DC Universe Ultra
Legion of Super-Heroes 279
Legion of Super-Heroes 280


Legion of Super-Heroes 280 - Whoa - talk about wordy.  Certainly no need to repeat a description of what happened in previous issue three different times! Liked seeing this villain back but let's hope the writing gets better next issue.


Damn, it looks like I read nothing this week, but it adds up to like 25 or so issues. Haha. Damn trades take time

Marvel Unlimited
X-Men #4
Deathlok Special
Fantastic Four (1976) #176
Fantastic Four (1976) #177

DC Universe Ultra
Absolute Wonder Woman #2
Action Comics #277
Batman: Last Halloween #3
Black Canary: Best of the Best #1
Justice League Unlimited #1
Superman #20
Legion of Super-Heroes (1981) #280

The One Hand/Six Fingers v1 (issues 1-5 and issues 1-5)
Conan #17
The Witcher v1 (Issues 1-5)
Scarlett v1 (Issues 1-5)

Hornsby and Halo #2
G.I. Joe (2024) #1


Hornsby and Halo - Really enjoyed the first issue, was truly pleasantly surprised, so I was pretty excited to open this today. Didn't hit for me like the first one did. At all. Reminded me of a lesser version of Route 666 from CrossGen. Sadly, I think I am now done. At least until Jeff and/or Jimbo convince me otherwise  ;D

Scarlett - Actually a pretty good mini, now that I think about it. Like a James Bond film. Ha. I have read all the GIJoe minis except Destro, and I think the first one, Duke, was the least fun. The Cobra Commander mini was crazy-balls cool, totally different for the character and the Cobra organization, I think this one was the best. Still hoping the new G.I. Joe series hits for me

The Witcher - Bah, Hellboy / BPRD lite, Like Bud Light, half the calories, and an eighth of the flavor.

Conan - Belit story again, which was cool, but the art is a little too clean and not to my liking, overall. It wasn't crap, but I prefer a more gritty and masculine look for my barbarian books.

One Hand/Six Fingers - Not at all what I was expecting. Yes, murder mystery, but
didn't expect the Bladerunner'esque story, set in the future, with Cogs (pre-cogs) Great art, on both, different artists and styles for each title, but worked. A book that leaves you thinking, but not wondering what the hell happened.


LoSH - I'm done with this title until the guys get to issue #283. Just can't deal with the writing any longer.

Action - Done with this as well. Do not care, at all, about 2/3 of this story and the Supergirl story, while good, isn't enough to keep me around. I felt like I was victim of a Waid bait and switch. Hahaha. I'll just ask or go to Reddit and find out what the new deal is with the Phantom Zone. Not reading this to discover it. Nope

FF - Needed to get back to good ole Marvel. Back when they were good, I mean, haha, and this hit me in the right spot. This is what I needed. I know Jeff is not an Imp fan, but I am, and I damn sure love Impossible Man. Especially when Perez draws him. And I also love the inside the Marvel Comics office visit we had!!


Now wait a minute! I love the Impossible Man!  Do NOT put him in the same lane as Bat-Mite!


Quote from: Jeff on Dec 30, 2024, 09:35 PMNow wait a minute! I love the Impossible Man!  Do NOT put him in the same lane as Bat-Mite!


My bad. Haha, I just remember you skipping an entire (very cool) arc of Worlds Finest because of your "I hate Imps" stance... not verbatim ;D 
Impossible Man is an Imp, therefor...