January Marvel Previews

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By Nathan Riggins

The DC Universe seems to be unique in comicdom. While most comic universes either have a strict history or a loose association between characters, DC's seems to be malleable and shapable according to whatever they perceive to be the best for the time being. Characters have come and gone, and universes have blinked in and out of existence. This whirlpool of timelines and alternate Universes can be confusing. Yet I've always loved the way its progressed, it seems so sci-fi. I thought it be cool to add the evolution of this unique universe for your reading pleasure. So here it goes:

Birth: DC Universe: The Golden Age (1938-1950: Earth-2)

This was the original, established, DC Universe. This was the home to the Golden Age DC characters of the WWII era. The first hero to appear in this universe was none other than Superman himself. This character kicked off the known DC Universe and the entire super hero genre in comics. His popularity soared and soon other characters appeared in the DC Universe. The first of which was The Batman, followed by characters such as the original Green Lantern (Alan Scott), the original Hawkman (Carter Hall), the original Flash (Jay Garrick), Sandman, the original Starman (Ted Knight), Wonder Woman, and others. All these characters were known as Mystery Men at the time, not super-heroes. Soon the heroes started teaming-up and meeting each other, establishing that they indeed did live in the same world. It wasn't long before many of them got together and formed the world's first super-team, The Justice Society of America (JSA). This team eventually morphed into the even larger All-Star Squadron. After a decade and a few years, popularity in Mystery Men dwindled and the book was closed, for now, on the original DC Universe. Only Superman, Batman, Aquaman (albeit changed), Green Arrow (also changed), and Wonder Woman survived the end of the Golden Age of the DC Universe.




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January DC Previews

December Marvel Previews

December DC Previews


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