Weekly Reader, February 3, 2025

Started by Jeff, Feb 03, 2025, 04:23 AM

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Small pulls from the big two so I may get through quite a bit from Hoopla and ComiXology.

Marvel Unlimited
Namor 4 - Jason Aaron
Wolverine: Revenge 3 of 5 - Hickman

DC Universe Ultra
Legion of Super-Heroes 288
Legion of Super-Heroes 289

The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #2
The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #3
Conan The Battle of the Black Stone Vol 1 (Collects issues 1-4)

The Ribbon Queen 5
The Ribbon Queen 6
The Ribbon Queen 7
The Ribbon Queen 8


Gay Titan

Never heard of the Ribbon Queen. What's the premise?


Marvel Unlimited
Namor #4
Wolverine: Revenge #3
Fantastic Four #180

DC Universe Ultra
Absolute Superman #3
Absolute Batman #4
Batman: Dark Patterns #2
Batman: Full Moon #3
Justice League Unlimited #2
Hellblazer #42
Legion of Super-Heroes #286

Magic Order v4 (Collects issues 1-6)
Redcoat #9



Quote from: Gay Titan on Feb 03, 2025, 01:51 PMNever heard of the Ribbon Queen. What's the premise?

A troubled NYPD detective stumbles into a supernatural mystery involving an immortal spirit of vengeance while battling dirty cops protecting their leader, in this horror thriller from Garth Ennis, creator of MARJORIE FINNEGAN, TEMPORAL CRIMINAL, The Boys and Preacher!

A little more info that is somewhat spoilery but just a little -
Detective Amy Sun faces an impossible situation: Go public with her allegations against a tactical team leader who allegedly killed a victim he was stalking, or face the wrath of an angry Blue Wall in her department. Complicating matters is the arrival of an immortal entity known as The Ribbon Queen, who delivers justice to those wronged by peeling the skin off her victims in ribbons. But The Ribbon Queen isn't the only supernatural shedding blood in the streets of New York...and Detective Amy Sun isn't so sure she should stop them at all!

Gay Titan

Sounds interesting. I'll check out the first few issues.


Marvel Unlimited
Namor 4 - Jason Aaron
Wolverine: Revenge 3 of 5 - Hickman

DC Universe Ultra
Legion of Super-Heroes 288
Legion of Super-Heroes 289

The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #2
The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #3
Conan The Battle of the Black Stone Vol 1 (Collects issues 1-4)

The Ribbon Queen 5
The Ribbon Queen 6
The Ribbon Queen 7
The Ribbon Queen 8


The Ribbon Queen 5 - weird issue taking us back in time via dream? I'm guessing we're getting the origin story but I'm not clear.  Some great art though. Very bloody.

The Ribbon Queen 6 - Detective Amy seems to be putting the pieces together. Answers and action maybe coming.

The Ribbon Queen 7 - Well wasn't wrong! Wow what a blow up of activity!  This next issue has to be a big ending!

The Ribbon Queen 8 - Crazy ending and I liked it. Lot more fun than I had expected it to be.


Marvel Unlimited
Namor 4 - Jason Aaron
Wolverine: Revenge 3 of 5 - Hickman

DC Universe Ultra
Legion of Super-Heroes 288
Legion of Super-Heroes 289

The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #2
The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #3
Conan The Battle of the Black Stone Vol 1 (Collects issues 1-4)

The Ribbon Queen 5
The Ribbon Queen 6
The Ribbon Queen 7
The Ribbon Queen 8


Namor 4 - Good issue.  Should have a solid wrap up.

Wolverine: Revenge 3 of 5 - I liked it. Even though I can't remember why he's on this vengeance tour.


Marvel Unlimited
Namor 4 - Jason Aaron
Wolverine: Revenge 3 of 5 - Hickman

DC Universe Ultra
Legion of Super-Heroes 288
Legion of Super-Heroes 289

The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #2
The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #3

Conan The Battle of the Black Stone Vol 1 (Collects issues 1-4)

The Ribbon Queen 5
The Ribbon Queen 6
The Ribbon Queen 7
The Ribbon Queen 8


ABSOLUTE BATMAN #4 - the change in artist was a bit jarring but the art was good. Just so different from what I like on this title.  The story itself felt disjointed and all over the place.  Not the best issue of this title. 

The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #2 - Another good issue.  This series is really good and I'm enjoying the entire adventure.  This issue focuses on Tara and the orcs.

The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #3 - Also good issue. The flip side as this issue focused on the humans.


Marvel Unlimited
Namor #4
Wolverine: Revenge #3

Fantastic Four #180

DC Universe Ultra
Absolute Superman #3
Absolute Batman #4
Batman: Dark Patterns #2
Batman: Full Moon #3
Justice League Unlimited #2

Hellblazer #42
Legion of Super-Heroes #286
 Legion of Super-Heroes #287 <- Added

Magic Order v4 (Collects issues 1-6)
Redcoat #9
Geiger #10
<- Added


Namor - this is fine, really enjoying the contrasting art styles, but will this be relevant (even comic relevant) in another 4 months? I doubt it.  :(

Wolverine Revenge - I can't do this any longer. If this was written by anyone else I may stay on, just for fun, but I can't keep seeing Hickman's name on this when this writing is so un-Hickman like. I'm done.   :-X

Absolute Bats - Jeff summed it up perfectly. Great art, but for some reason, it just didn't work with what came before. I am a huge Walta fan, but he is just not a great tandem/fill-in guy when Dragotta is the primary. That said, the cape stuff, learning more about it, was AWESOME!!!!  ;)

Dark Patterns - Okay, this is switching to collected read for me. I enjoy it, and love the art, but I need to cut down my list again and sadly, this is one I am pushing to that pile. Its good, but tired of being swamped. Want to enjoy my comics again, and feeling like I am falling behind each week is doing me no damn good. :'(

Bat Full Moon - Not a lot happened here, but a good issue non-the-less. Looking forward to more  8)

JL Unlimited - Was just saying that this is.... just not wowing me. Going to give it one more issue but bottom line, I am not enjoying this. Good writer, great artist, yet both are not doing it for me right now. When I get more enjoyment from Dark Patterns, and yet I still stop reading that monthly... this one that I am not enjoying is somehow getting a longer leash. I am sure this will not bite me an the ass.  ::)

LoSH - Decent read. Another long one, but nice seeing Giffen hitting the art again, even if it was only on the back up (which the story there was... fine)  ;)

Turtles - Soooo, not sure how much more we are going to get of this series, if IDW goes belly-up, but I will enjoy it while I can!!    :(

Redcoat - A little bit of a long read (no, it was a long ass read), but pretty cool, being what it was about  ;)

Geiger - Ha, yeah, this is continuing to beat Redcoat on enjoyment level, at least in the last couple months, but with no Rook to compete with, I'm not calling it the winner yet (even though it was this week :D)


Marvel Unlimited
Namor 4 - Jason Aaron
Wolverine: Revenge 3 of 5 - Hickman

DC Universe Ultra
Legion of Super-Heroes 288
Legion of Super-Heroes 289

The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #2
The Hunger and the Dusk Book Two #3
Conan The Battle of the Black Stone Vol 1 (Collects issues 1-4)

The Ribbon Queen 5
The Ribbon Queen 6
The Ribbon Queen 7
The Ribbon Queen 8


Conan The Battle of the Black Stone Vol 1 (Collects issues 1-4) - this was ok.  I get it's not the best Conan story but having no real connection to the crossover characters, I enjoyed it.


I'm gonna push my LoSH books to next week so Perry can catch up.

Gay Titan

Absolute Superman #4
Batman #157
JSA #4
Justice League: the Atom Project #2... haven't read the first issue but optimistic.
Power Man: Timeless #1... thought this was a one-shot, but apparently a five issue mini-series. I'll give it a go.

Couldn't find the Ribbon Queen so I bought the first three issues on eBay.


Quote from: Gay Titan on Feb 07, 2025, 02:20 PMCouldn't find the Ribbon Queen so I bought the first three issues on eBay.

I know you like the physical books but they are only $1.99 each on Amazon digital (Comixology/kindle) or free if your a Comixology unlimited member.


Quote from: Jeff on Feb 06, 2025, 10:21 PMI'm gonna push my LoSH books to next week so Perry can catch up.

As we discussed, no need for that now

Hey, I got done!!
Killed the Magic Order v4 as I realized we have read it  ::) ;D

Marvel Unlimited
Namor #4
Wolverine: Revenge #3

Fantastic Four #180

DC Universe Ultra
Absolute Superman #3
Absolute Batman #4
Batman: Dark Patterns #2
Batman: Full Moon #3
Justice League Unlimited #2

Hellblazer #42
Legion of Super-Heroes #286
Legion of Super-Heroes #287

Legion of Super-Heroes #288 <- Added
Legion of Super-Heroes #289 <- Added

Magic Order v4 (Collects issues 1-6)
Redcoat #9
Geiger #10


FF - Oh dang it, a reprint issue! From issue #101 to, so I get that "amazing" Stan Lee writing. Ugh. Reprints. I used to hate when Marvel would do that. Instead of delaying an issue for a few weeks, they would put out an older issue, with no notice on the cover. I think there was a penalty issued from the printer if they were late, so I think this is why they did this back in the day, so I get it, but as a kid... yeah, it sucked. You expected to finally continue the story from last month's issue (which never failed to be a cliffhanger), only to realize you spent your hard earned 30¢ on a reprint and still had to wait another month to read what that which you were so eagerly awaiting.

Ult Supes - Okay, a lot more Krypton stuff this issue and a good last page tying it back into... the other life. I will say that this issue was fine, not the best, good but not great, but what has me really excited is what I saw in that very last text box -
Next: The Omega Men

Hellblazer - Oh what a fun issue. Constantine hooks up with an old friend who had the ability to find and make the best alcohol you can drink. They discuss how they are both dying (John from Cancer and his friend from liver disease) and they were hoping the one could save the other from dying, but alas neither can. So they decide to celebrate the time left and drink from the massive collection of alcohol that John's friend had acquired or made. Come to find out, the making alcohol part came from a spell John's friend put on an underground spring of Holy Water he found (to make the best stout you could ever drink). We also learn that John's friend's ability to find or create the best alcohol came from a deal he made with the devil who, when John's friend dies, comes for his soul. John has the idea for he and the Devil to toast to his friend, and of course the Devil agrees. but after drinking the stout, from the spring, John reverts the spring/stout spell making the stout turn back to its original form... Holy Water, totally erupting from and burning the Devil to cinder. Haha. Of course it was written better than my description. Hahaha

LoSH - Okay, the last couple issues have most certainly gotten better, but I still cringe whenever anyone goes off in anger (which seems to be every single issue) or they express so much sorrow for missing a loved one... who has been gone what, a day or two? Yeah, lots of freaking school age melodrama that bugs me, but it is getting less pronounced and the story is getting better. I won't say more as I know Jeff was waiting on me and I don't want to go into details as, seeing as how I got a hair up my butt and blazed through these issues unexpectedly, that wouldn't be cool. Good news is, I see the next issue is the Annual that started it all for me. I mean, I was buying and reading the Legion at this time, but this next issue, the annual, THAT is when Legion became Legion to me. This next issue is, at least in my shattered memory, one of my "Golden" issues. Can't wait.
Damn I hope I feel the same after I'm done reading it. After so many years... I don't know